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Blue-Eyed Starry Night Reed Frog - Heterixalus alboguttatus (Captive Bred)


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Quantity Available: 1

About This Product

Defining Characteristics: 

  • Great beginner frog
  • Bright coloration
  • Bold
  • Easy to breed
  • Moderately loud call
  • Great in groups
  • Nocturnal

Name: Belonging to the family Hyperoliidae, the Starry Night Reed Frog is scientifically known as Heterixalus alboguttatus. Sometimes referred to Spotted Reed Frogs or simply 'starry nights', these frogs are so named for their contrasting yellow and black pattern, which resembles the sky on a clear night. This morph has light blue-gray eyes instead of the typical brown.

Recommended Vivarium Size: A 10 gallon aquarium is suitable for 2-4 Starry Night Reed Frogs, but Josh's Frogs recommends a 20H or 18x18x18 glass terrarium, as it will allow for easier cleaning.

Want to spice up your enclosure with live plants? Our experts have curated a kit of easy-to-care-for and SAFE plants for your reed frogs. Check it out here!

Not sure how to set up a reed frog enclosure? Please watch our video on How to Set Up a Reed Frog Terrarium

Temperature (°F): They can tolerate a temperature range of 65 to 85°F, but prefer temperatures in the mid 70s. Temperatures over 90 degrees are dangerous. A low-wattage basking spot, with a temperature of 85-90°, will be utilized but is not absolutely needed.

A reliable thermometer is highly recommended.

Humidity: Like most frogs, reed frogs prefer a humidity range of 70–80%, but can tolerate humidity down to 50% for short periods of time if the frogs have access to water. Low humidity levels, especially without access to water, can quickly be fatal.

Starry Night Reed Frogs occur in the marginal areas between water and land, referred to as the riparian zone. As such, they require high humidity paired with substantial ventilation. Measure humidity with a reliable hygrometer.

Size: Adult female reed frogs are larger, measuring in at approximately 1.5 inches. Male Heterixalus alboguttatus are a bit smaller, averaging about 1 inch at maturity. Blue-Eyed Starry Night Reed Frogs sold by Josh's Frogs will measure at least 3/4 of an inch long.

Age: Heterixalus alboguttatus is capable of living over 5 years in captivity under ideal conditions, although a lifespan of 2-3 years is more common. Active breeding shortens expected lifespan down to 1-2 years. At the time of sale, these frogs will be at least 4 months.

Feeding: At Josh's Frogs, we feed our reed frogs dusted crickets. At 3/4 of an inch, juvenile reed frogs can easily take 1/8 inch crickets, and 1/4 inch crickets as adults. Make sure to dust all prey items with a quality vitamin/mineral supplement. We place the crickets in floating food bowls in the reed frog habitat, to prevent crickets from drowning and fouling the water.

To learn more about feeding reed frogs, please watch our video on How to Feed Reed Frogs.

Color/Pattern: A very variable reed frog, all Starry Night Reed Frogs are black with yellow/white spots and/or lines. The amount of black, white, and yellow can vary widely among individuals. In addition to having gray-blue eyes these frogs also have a more muted coloration than their brown-eyed counterparts. Spots can be large on some individual reed frogs, leading to an almost netted appearance. Males can have a very faded pattern or almost complete lack of pattern. Adult Starry Night Reed Frogs tend to have orange/yellow feet.

Please keep in mind that juvenile reed frogs sometimes take a few months to develop their adult coloration, and may appear cream or brown colored at first. At night, reed frogs may appear pale in color when they are active.

Social Behavior: These frogs do well housed in groups their entire life, as long as enough space is provided. 

Breeding: Reed frogs are very easy to breed—just house a male and a female together! When housed in a proper environment, Starry Night Reed Frogs are very prolific, laying clutches of 50-200 eggs every 2-3 weeks. Eggs are generally laid right above or below the water's surface, and quickly develop into very small, delicate tadpoles.

For more information on how to take care of reed frog eggs and tadpoles, please watch our videos on How to Care For Reed Frog Eggs, and How to Care For Reed Frog Tadpoles.

Josh's Frogs recommends purchasing multiple frogs if you are interested in breeding them–this greatly increases the chances of getting a pair (male & female). We recommend purchasing at least 4-5 reed frogs at a time. 

Natural Range: Heterixalus alboguttatus are native to Madagascar. They inhabit riparian zones, where a body of water (mainly a pond) meets the land. Among emergent vegetation, reed frogs spend the day sleeping on the underside of leaves. With their limited range and the seemingly imminent destruction of their native habitat, maintaining this species in captivity should be of the utmost importance.

History in the Hobby: Blue-eyed starry night reed frogs are something that popped up in our collection in 2022. After we raised out and successfully bred this morph to ensure they would be healthy, we have now started to offer them for sale.

Links of Interest:


After placing an order containing a live animal, you will receive a scheduling email containing our JotForm scheduling link to schedule your new pet's delivery date.

With this scheduling link, you will be able to schedule your order's delivery up to 30 days in advance. You will be able to choose a date of delivery for Tuesday-Saturday (Saturday arrival depends on the carrier's service availability) with the estimated time of arrival generally being 12pm, or 4:30pm for more rural areas. Overnight lows must be above 40°F to ship directly to you (or above 30°F for FedEx Ship Center pickups) as well as below 90°F by estimated time of arrival.

If you require further assistance, or prefer to talk to one of our Customer Service agents, please feel free to reach out to our [email protected] email or our phone line 1-800-691-8178.

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