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Domino Roach (Therea petiveriana) - 10 nymphs


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Quantity Available: 12

About This Product


Defining Characteristics:

  • Black & white bold markings
  • Looks like a domino
  • Fuzzy/velvety
  • Loves to burrow

Name: Therea petiveriana or the Domino Roach. The common name comes from their resemblance to a domino game tile, given their black base with contrasting white spots.

Recommended Enclosure Size & Setup: Dominos will do well in a 10 gallon enclosure. Habitats will not need any size upgrades—a well-established domino colony will thrive in a 10 gallon setup! Keeping one domino alone is not ideal; these are a communal species. 

Recommended substrate is a mix of coconut fiber, cypress mulch, and leaf litter. On top of the substrate mixture, lay down a layer of leaf litter. Domino roaches will eat the leaf litter as it decomposes, and pregnant females will lay egg cases in moist leaf litter. 

A few pieces of cork bark are great additions; nymphs are shy, so the availability of more hiding places will make them more confident to explore and be out on display. One of the best display roaches, adults are commonly out on top of the substrate.

*Adults can climb smooth surfaces, so a barrier of petroleum jelly should be applied to the top of an enclosure to prevent escapees.

Temperature (°F): Acceptable temps are 75-85°. The lower the temperature, the slower nymphs will grow. We have found 78-85°F is ideal for production. 

Do not let temps fall below 70°F or rise above 88°. Temperatures should be monitored with a digital thermometer.

Humidity: Acceptable humidity ranges are between 40-60%. These roaches are from temperate climates but seek out humid soil to lay eggs. To thrive, they will need a moisture gradient in the substrate. We have found it easiest to create a slight slope where the highest humidity is at the tallest point of the substrate.

We recommend using a digital gauge to monitor your humidity levels.

Size: Babies will be EXTREMELY small when first hatched, around the size of a sesame seed (~3 mm). Adults grow to be right around 1 inch long, with females being slightly larger than males.

Mixed sizes of nymphs (medium to large) are what will be shipped to you.

Age: Lifespan in captivity is around 2 years; the longest stage of a dominos life is the nymph stage. Adults only live about 6 months.

Feeding: Domino roaches primarily eat leaf litter and decomposing hardwoods, but this isn't a sustainable diet. You will need to supplement other food items for proper nutrition. We feed our colonies fruits, Bug Burger, and high quality dog food. A great treat for dominos are jelly cups.

Sexing: Dominos are easiest to sex as adults. Females will be larger than the males, but this isn't always 100% accurate. The best way is to look at the roach's abdomen from underneath. Males will have multiple segments at the end of their abdomen. Females will have only one large segment at the end of their abdomen.

Color/Pattern: These roaches don a bold black and white pattern resembling domino game tiles when mature. We have observed some adults showing inverted patterns, but haven't been able to prove any genetics! Nymphs are a solid, deep brown with lots of little hairs, giving them a very fuzzy appearance!

Domino roaches are a mimic insect, using the bold marking of beetles to warn off predators.

Social Behavior: Dominos love to have friends and tend to do best in groups. The adults will typically be out on display for anyone to observe. 

These roaches are crepuscular and will be most active around sunset.

Breeding: Dominos will breed with ease if environmental needs are met. Moist leaf litter is needed for females to lay egg cases on.

Clutch sizes can range from 6-14 nymphs. The ootheca are very small and it's hard to get an accurate count of how many babies are inside.

Natural Range: Domino roaches are from India, specifically the Sri Lanka region.     


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