Defining Characteristics:
Name: Ceratogyrus marshalli, or the Straight Horned Baboon tarantula. Ceratogyrus has Latin roots meaning “Horn” and “Curved”, probably referring to other members of the genus with less erect horns. Marshalli is a proper name, probably referring to a person with a history with the species.
Recommended Enclosure Size & Setup: Ceratogyrus marshalli is a terrestrial spider that likes to dig. The ideal enclosure size will provide at least 4 times the spider’s diagonal leg span for surface area branching out in any direction, and be deep enough to accommodate a fair bit of substrate—at least 2 inches for spiderlings, and at least 8 inches for adults. ABG mix, coco cradle, and Dig-It are all good substrate options for this species, but our Pet Bug Team prefers ABG all the way!
Never provide more than twice your spider’s diagonal leg span as headspace above the surface of the substrate, as falls from greater than this height can be catastrophic.
Temperature (°F): This species likes it on the warm side. Though it will still thrive around a room temperature of 72 degrees, they prefer it closer to 78-82°.
A thermometer is recommended to keep an eye on temperatures in the enclosure.
Humidity: Aim for around 65% They like their substrate bone dry, but as a water source you can either provide a tattoo ink cup or small shallow bottle cap as a water dish. Wet a small corner of substrate intermittently, or mist the sides of the enclosure twice a week so that the spider can drink the droplets.
A hygrometer is recommended to monitor humidity within the enclosure.
Size: At the time of sale Ceratogyrus marshalli sold by Josh’s Frogs are at least 1 inch. Females can achieve sizes of up to around a 5 inch diagonal leg span, males of this species mature significantly smaller, only attaining a diagonal leg span of 3-3.5 inches.
Age: Ceratogyrus marshalli sold by Josh’s Frogs are at least 2-3 months old. Females of this species can live 8-10 years, males topping out at 3-4 years.
Feeding: These spiders are currently eating two to three 1/4 inch crickets, once a week. There are a variety of appropriate prey items that you can offer, such as roaches, waxworms, black soldier fly larvae, hornworms, and silkworms. Consider feeding your prey items with our gutload formula to give your pet well-rounded nutrition.
We recommend that the prey items not be much longer than the tarantula's “head” is wide. Larvae are an exception—our larvae are harmless. Since they are very high in fat, they're not the best staple diet, however they make a great weight gain supplement.
Remove uneaten prey items after 24 hours, these may stress your animal out or endanger the spider during molting. Never attempt to feed a freshly molted tarantula less than a week after their molt to prevent injury to the spider. Depending on its age, the hardening process could take anywhere from 48 hours all the way up to a week.
Sexing: Due to age, Ceratogyrus marshalli spiderlings sold by Josh’s Frogs are sold as unsexed. Specimens of 2.5-3 inches will be able to start being accurately sexed. The most accurate method will always be molt sexing. The molt of a female tarantula, between the top set of book lungs will have a slit with spermatheca and a uterus externus, which on a smaller spider will just be a flap that moves when manipulated with a toothpick or a pin. A male tarantula will have a much more plain slit that will not budge with attempts to manipulate it.
Color/Pattern: As spiderlings they are a mid brown color. As they age, their color turns to a matte gray/brown color, mottled with black patterning on the abdomen, striping on the legs, and a black starburst on the carapace surrounding their signature horn.
Social Behavior: This species should be housed solitarily, any attempt at cohabitation will likely end with cannibalism.
Natural Range: Zimbabwe and Mozambique
Links of Interest:
Still not sure if Straight horned baboon tarantula from Josh's Frogs is the right pet bug for you? Read the reviews below and see what other customers are saying!
After placing an order containing a live animal, you will receive a scheduling email containing our JotForm scheduling link to schedule your new pet's delivery date.
With this scheduling link, you will be able to schedule your order's delivery up to 30 days in advance. You will be able to choose a date of delivery for Tuesday-Saturday (Saturday arrival depends on the carrier's service availability) with the estimated time of arrival generally being 12pm, or 4:30pm for more rural areas. Overnight lows must be above 40°F to ship directly to you (or above 30°F for FedEx Ship Center/UPS Customer Center pickups) as well as below 90°F by estimated time of arrival.
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