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HomeAny CategoryLive InsectsPet InvertebratesSocotra Island Blue Baboon Tarantula - Monocentropus balfouri | 1/2 inch (Captive bred)

Socotra Island Blue Baboon Tarantula - Monocentropus balfouri | 1/2 inch (Captive bred)

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About This Product

Defining Characteristics:

  • Females of this species have a strong maternal instinct—they not only protect their young, which are more than happy to stay in a colony with the mother, but the mother M. balfouri will bring meals to her young.
  • One of the few tarantula species observed in the wild to live communally—a family group of this species would be a fun undertaking for an experienced keeper
  • Monocentropus balfouri are some of the best webbers in the tarantula family! These fossorial beauties will readily turn their enclosure into an elaborate maze of webs.
  • An Old World tarantula, this species is noted to have fairly strong venom and extra care should be taken to avoid bites. It is for this reason that we do not recommend these for inexperienced keepers.

Name: Monocentropus balfouri or the Socotra Island Blue Baboon Tarantula has a scientific name that when broken down means "one central foot". If you look at the Greek and Latin roots of the genus name, its common name is much easier to decipher; they hail from Socotra Island, which is located Northeast off the coast of Somalia, and they have wonderful navy blue coloration to their legs.

Recommended Enclosure Size & Setup: For floor space, 3 to 4 times the spider’s diagonal leg span in either direction is appropriate. Their prolific webbing habits do give a bit of padding against falls, but there should still be no more than 2 times the spider's diagonal leg span of "head space" above the substrate.

These lovely spiders prefer to live most of their lives below ground. Babies usually like a good 3 inches of substrate to burrow in, while adults would be perfectly content with around 8 inches. Given less substrate they will web extensively, but may be more defensive. Good substrate options include ABG mixcoco cradle, or Dig-It, but our Pet Bug Team prefers ABG all the way! 

Temperature (°F): A comfortable range for them is 73-77 degrees. Temperatures consistently under 60° or over 85° should be avoided for long term safety of the spider.

A reliable thermometer is strongly recommended.

Humidity: 50%-60% is the ideal humidity range for this species. This can be easily achieved by keeping a portion of the substrate moist but not soaked. An occasional overflow of the water dish can help aid in moisture retention. Additional misting to maintain this may be necessary depending on your home climate or the season.

A reliable hygrometer is strongly recommended to monitor humidity within the enclosure.

Size: At the time of sale, these spiders are at least 2 inches. As adults they range from 4-6 inches (females larger than males), and grow at a medium rate for tarantulas.

Age: This species has been documented to live 10-15+ years if females, while males average about a 3-4 year life span.

Feeding: These spiders are currently eating two to three 1/2 inch crickets, once a week. There are a variety of appropriate prey items that you can offer, such as roacheswaxwormsblack soldier fly larvaehornworms, and silkworms. Consider feeding your prey items with our gutload formula to give your pet well-rounded nutrition.

We recommend that the prey items not be much longer than the tarantula's “head” is wide. Larvae are an exception—our larvae are harmless. Since they are very high in fat, they're not the best staple diet, however they make a great weight gain supplement.

Remove uneaten prey items after 24 hours, these may stress your animal out or endanger the spider during molting. Never attempt to feed a freshly molted tarantula less than a week after their molt to prevent injury to the spider. Depending on its age, the hardening process could take anywhere from 48 hours all the way up to a week.

Sexing: Due to age, Monocentropus balfouri sold by Josh's Frogs are unsexed.

As they approach maturity, specimens may be sexed using a molt. Females will have spermatheca and a uterus externus between the top set of book lungs that will catch and "flap" if a pin is run down the inside of the abdomen. Males will have a much more plain slit that does not budge with attempts to manipulate it.

Coloration/Patterning: Babies are an almost steel gray color with dark legs. As they age, this turns into a more creamy greige base coloration with dark blue legs.

Social Behavior: Monocentropus balfouri can be kept communally under certain circumstances. Success in keeping this species together requires research, the correct habitat, and at least 4-5 individuals. This species can be kept alone and that is the safest way to keep them.

Natural Range: Monocentropus balfouri are found on the island of Socotra, which is located Northeast off the coast of Somalia, and South of Yemen, its mother country.

Links of Interest:

  • Arachnoboards: a community of spider enthusiasts that will be able to or have already answered almost any question you can think of with regards to tarantulas.

Still not sure if Socotra Island Blue Baboon tarantula from Josh's Frogs is the right pet bug for you? Read the reviews below and see what other customers are saying!


After placing an order containing a live animal, you will receive a scheduling email containing our JotForm scheduling link to schedule your new pet's delivery date.

With this scheduling link, you will be able to schedule your order's delivery up to 30 days in advance. You will be able to choose a date of delivery for Tuesday-Saturday (Saturday arrival depends on the carrier's service availability) with the estimated time of arrival generally being 12pm, or 4:30pm for more rural areas. Overnight lows must be above 40°F to ship directly to you (or above 30°F for FedEx Ship Center/UPS Customer Center pickups) as well as below 90°F by estimated time of arrival.

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