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HomeDendrobates tinctorius 'Bakhuis'

Dendrobates tinctorius 'Bakhuis'

  Dendrobates tinctorius 'Bakhuis'  is a fairly new morph of tinc to the pet trade. Bakhuis are a smaller form of tinc - a pair can inhabit a 10 gallon vivarium. Trade Name(s) Dendrobates tinctorius 'Bakhuis' is simply known as Bakhuis or Bakhuis tincs in the pet trade. Family & Scientific Name Dendrobatidae; Dendrobates tinctorius Range & OriginSuriname, from approximately the middle of the country. Adult SizeAdult female Dendrobates tinctorius 'Bakhuis' are typically about 1.25” long, with males slightly smaller. Compared to other morphs of tincs, Bakhuis are a dwarf. Life SpanCaptive life span of Dendrobates tinctorius is estimated to be 10-20 years, with individual instances of tincs living over 20 years reported. EnclosureGenerally, poison dart frogs are kept in naturalistic vivaria with live plants and little to no ventilation. Dendrobates tinctorius hails from humid tropical rainforests, so replicating that habitat in captivity is ideal. Live plants should be used, and actually help to keep the environment clean. Provide 5 gallons or more of space per frog when adult. SubstrateWith naturalistic vivaria, substrate typically consists of a 2” base layer of hydroton, followed by substrate barrier, then a well-draining substrate such as ABG mix in a 2” layer. On top of this, long fiber sphagnum is placed in a thin layer, followed by a hearty coating of leaf litter. The substrate can be seeded with various species of microfauna, including springtails and isopods, which are cultured and sold specifically for such applications. TemperatureFor the most part, Dendrobates tinctorius needs to be kept above 60F and below 80F, with an ideal temperature in the mid to low70sF. Although they can tolerate brief cold spells, poison dart frogs are very sensitive to heat. Social Structure Dendrobates tinctorius 'Bakhuis'does fine in groups,pairs, or singly when young. When the animals reach sexual maturity (10-12 months), females can sometimes fight with each other over access to a male, and may need to be separated. Many keepers prefer to keep tincs in pairs. If a group of Dendrobates tinctorius is raised up together in a large tank with plenty of cover, they typically coexist fine into adulthood. DietLike most Poison Dart Frogs, Bakhuis prefer smaller foods less than 1/8” long. Flightless Fruit Flies are an ideal staple food, as they are easy and inexpensive to culture, and available from several online stores, including . Other common prey items include pinhead crickets, bean beetles, springtails, isopods, aphids, rice flour beetles, lesser wax moth larvae, and phoenix worms. It is important to dust each prey item with a vitamin/mineral supplement. CleaningIf housed in a naturalistic vivarium, cleaning is kept to a minimum. As long as water does not saturate the ABG substrate (it will smell like rotten eggs if it does), the substrate needs to be replaced only every 3-5 years. New leaf litter should be added every 6 months or so, as the old leaf litter breaks down. Plants will need to be trimmed to keep them from outgrowing the vivarium, and the front glass can be wiped down with a paper towel to remove any algae or debris that collects there. All of the inside surfaces of the vivarium (ie plant leaves, wood, glass) should be sprayed down with a hand mister once to twice a month. Handling Poison Dart Frogs should not be handled except when they are being moved to or from a vivarium. They are harmless and non toxic in captivity, but household chemicals and oils on your skin can easily harm them. Conclusion Dendrobates tinctorius 'Bakhuis' is a very neat morph of poison dart frog that ppreciates plenty of cover in a vivarium. Bakhuis are a smaller form of tinc, and relatively new to the hobby. Bakhuis are a bold, easily bred poison dart frog