Josh's Frogs

Dendrobates tinctorius

Check out our Dendrobates tinctorius Dart Frog podcast and more on our YouTube channel!

Dendrobates tinctorius, or tincs as they are known in the hobby, are large, colorful frogs that occur over a wide area in the South American countries of Brazil, Guyana, French Guiana and Suriname. Each population of Dendrobates tinctorius possesses unique colors and patterns.

Given this wide array of colors and patterns, it is tempting to mix and match several different morphs, to create a colorful group of animals in the vivarium. However, this is not a good choice – not only can these different populations of tincs crossbreed, they also tend to not get along with each other in the long run, leading to fighting and casualties. The different morphs of Dendrobates tinctorius are best left to their own individual vivariums.

Adult tincs typically measure from 1.25-2.5” depending on morph and age. Dendrobates tinctorius are primarily a ground-dwelling frog, and are better suited to large, horizontally oriented vivaria, where they will spend most of their time exploring the leaf litter hunting for microfauna.

Tincs are fine raised in groups as froglets, but sometimes do need to be split up as they age. Adult females can fight with each other over access to a mate, so it is best to limit the group to one mature female.

Josh's Frogs offers COMPLETE Dart Frog Kits, which contain everything you need to keep dart frogs happy and healthy.

Know you want a dart frog, but not sure where to start? CLICK HERE to read a helpful article that will get you started, and provide you with all the information you need to start off on the right foot. 

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Dendrobates tinctorius


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