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HomeBlogTop 10 Reasons You Should Try Our Fruit Fly Media!

Top 10 Reasons You Should Try Our Fruit Fly Media!

SONY DSCWhen it comes to fruit fly media, we are the best. It took months of testing and perfecting each ingredient for Josh to finally put together his master recipe and in 2004 Josh's Frogs Fruit Fly Media launched into the marketplace! It would be the first of many in the Josh's Frogs line of products, but is still our most popular. After more than a decade of happy fruit fly cultures, we've compiled the Top 10 Reasons You Should Try Our Fruit Fly Media.Before we get to the list, just read for yourself what some of our customers are saying!""After raising wingless fruit flies for over 10 years, I still find that the media mix from Josh's frogs is still the best.""""I've been using this fruit fly media for almost a year now and it produces great results! I always have a steady flow of fruit flies breeding.""""This media makes it so easy to culture your own flies. These flies are perfect for my small frogs and small fish. You can't go wrong with this media.""And now... *drumroll*

The Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Try Our Fruit Fly Media!

10. Long lasting media: Our media lasts for 1 year on the shelf, but even longer if you keep it in the fridge! Just keep it in an airtight container. 9. Order any other awesome products! We have a lot of different products at, we don't want to limit your ordering! You can order our fruit fly media with anything else on our site and only pay one shipping charge. Choose from feeder insects, reptile bulbs, substrates, hanging moss baskets, anything you or your pet desires...or anything your mom has her eye on (seriously, your mom would probably love one of our  beautiful houseplants). 8. High Yields of fruit flies! Our media fights bacteria, fungus, and molds so they don't fight your fruit flies! Resulting in, not only, more fruit flies, but healthier fruit flies! 7. Long lasting cultures: We guarantee cultures to last for about 4 weeks on our media, but many who use the media see cultures lasting 6+ weeks! 6. Gutloaded to perfection: Nutritional flies lead to healthy critters! Our media is packed full of vitamins and color enhancers from natural sources for your herps' health. 5. Stays Moist: Alright, so nobody likes the word ""moist"" - but if we're honest, it is KEY in making amazing cultures! Lack of moisture and low humidity are the number one killers of fruit fly cultures, so our formula uses powdered potatoes to allow the media to hold more water and for the ingredients to mix more thoroughly. This helps keep the culture from drying out prematurely! 4. Woot, Woot, Savin' Loot! Our media is cost effective. Starting at just $9.99 for enough media to make 10 can see why many people are culturing their own fruit flies! Our producing cultures are $7.99 each + shipping and many pet stores sell fruit flies for $15, even $20 each!! We will let you do the math... 3. Say goodbye to stinky cultures! Our media formula contains two different anti-fungal/anti-bacterial ingredients. A quick sniff of our bags of media will leave you happy and craving baked goods! This helps your cultures stay smelling great during its lifetime! 2. We are experienced! We make over 1200 fruit fly cultures every week and we've been doing that for over 10 years, that's A LOT OF CULTURES!! We use the exact same media formula that we sell to you. We swear by it and you will too, if you try it! 1. Handmade with love. Every single bag of media is handmade, hand mixed, and hand stickered right in our facility in Michigan. Most of the ingredients are locally sourced and all of them are from quality suppliers. Even though our formula is a secret, you can rest easy knowing each ingredient is stamped with our approval!You definitely want to try it now, don't you? Go ahead, you won't regret it... buy a bag of Josh's Frogs Fruit Fly Media.Still not convinced you want to culture your own fruit flies? That's ok, not everyone shares in the joy that we get out of culturing fruit flies. We always have freshly started and producing cultures available for purchase. As mentioned in Reason #2, we use the same amazing media to make the cultures we sell, so you'll still get the same great benefits with a made-for-you culture that you would with a made-by-you culture.

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