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How to Find an Exotic Animal Vet

If you have pets chances are you'll visit the vet at least once. Challenges arise when your pets are a bit out of the ordinary and require the attention of a specialist. Fortunately, there are a few different strategies that can help you locate the perfect Exotic Animal Veterinarian. Dr. Wayne Beasley of Cedar Creek Vet HospitalThe number of vets trained in exotic pet medicine is still lagging behind the treatment of cats, dogs, birds, and even fish. Fortunately for those of us who welcome 'creepy crawlies' in our homes, more and more vets are undergoing additional training to get experience treating exotics.

Ask a Local Pet Store That Sells Exotics.

Any responsible pet store should have a go-to veterinarian when they have animals in need. Chances are your local mom and pop owned pet store will be able to steer you in the right direction.

Ask Another Veterinarian for a Recommendation

Similar to pet stores, chances are your local vet has a network they can rely on. If your regular vet is not comfortable and capable of treating your exotic pets, they should be able to recommend a veterinarian that can better serve you. Even better, a vet network will have an understanding of practices and should be able to point you in the direction of someone they trust.

Take Advantage of Online Resources

Owning an exotic pet makes you part of a community, both online and off. There are websites such as, the Association of Reptile and Amphibian Veterinarians designed specifically to help exotic pet owners find the care they need for specialty pets. The ARAV has a list of exotics vets by state and the  Find a Vet tool is easy to use.

When in need, getting your beloved pet to the vet is the best thing you can do for it. Using the tools above, you should have no problem locating an exotic vet near you. 

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