Josh's Frogs

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Temporary Containers

These containers are perfect for either raising up or quarantining frogets, young reptiles, or other invertebrates. They're also great for transporting critters!

For froglets, Josh's Frogs recommends using long fiber sphagnum moss and a plant clipping in the bins, along with a few bits of leaf litter.

To find out how we raise our dart frog froglets at Josh's Frogs, please read our blog 'Starting out Right: Part II', which covers young frog care.

Search results

Temporary Containers


Fluker's Plastic Terrarium (Small)

Fluker's Plastic Terrarium (Small)



Sold Out
Exo Terra Faunarium (Large)

Exo Terra Faunarium (Large)



Sold Out
Exo Terra Faunarium (Flat Large)

Exo Terra Faunarium (Flat Large)



Sold Out
Showing 1 to 24 of 30 results