Josh's Frogs

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HomeAny CategoryCareDry & Pelleted FoodFeeding BundlesJosh's Frogs Dwarf Aquatic Frog Feeder Bundle

Josh's Frogs Dwarf Aquatic Frog Feeder Bundle

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About This Product

The Josh’s Frogs Dwarf Aquatic Frog Feeder Bundle is everything you need to keep your dwarf aquatic frogs fed and full. This bundle includes:

Josh's Frogs Aquatic Frog Food (1.85 oz.)

Josh’s Frogs Aquatic Frog Food is the staple diet - offer 3-4 pellets per frog a couple times a week.

White Worm - Enchytraeus albidus Culture (16 oz.)

In between pellet feedings, offer a pinch of these white worms or dehydrated bloodworms. To prolong white worm shelf life keep them in the dark and in the 50s-low 60s.

Dehydrated Bloodworms

In between pellet feedings, offer a pinch of these freeze bloodworms or white worms.

  • Get a great variety of feeder items to keep your aquatic frogs fed and full!
  • A great mix of live and prepared foods for balanced nutrition.
  • This bundle has enough food for a month or longer for 1-2 dwarf aquatic frogs
  • Feeder insects should be dusted with a quality vitamin/mineral supplement


This product ships to your doorstep. Most orders placed before 2pm ET on business days will ship out the same day.

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